Czech Farm Pool
If you have some free TB on disks (the more the better) and almost any computer with almost any operating system that is connected to the internet and electricity ideally almost 24 hours a day, we recommend joining the Czech Farm pool.
- connect to the Czech Farm pool enter the address
- for farming in the pool it is necessary to have portable NFT plots
- optional registration for the pool administration at will give you access to monitoring, statistics, alerts, etc.
more in the detial installation instructions below
RULES of Czech Farm
- we respect official polling protocol i.e. 1/8 of the reward will go to the farmer who found the block and 7/8 to the rest of the farmers, according to their total participation in the pool (according to the points collected)
- the reward is paid to the farmer immediately as the claim to the won block is confirmed to the pool (over time there will be minimum payments)
- 100% discount on all fees for farmers for the first 3 months of registration. The three months is calculated from the time the first partial is sent from the farmer’s farm to the pool.
- 50% lifetime discount on all fees will be given to the first 100 registered farmers (already out)
- common pool reward fee is 1% of each farmer’s winnings
create an account on Czech Farm see Make sure your email is working and log in to the farm administration. This step is important for the next steps see below.
Download and install Chia version 1.2.0 and higher according to your operating system see If you don’t want to use the GUI (linux, mac os, etc), just end with . ./activate and ignore everything else.
run Chia - below is the procedure for GUI
create a new key CREATE A NEW PRIVATE KEY or use an existing one (generally recommended)
start synchronizing the blockchain database or download the already created database blockchain_v1_mainnet.sqlite, which we updating and wait for the synchronization of the latest changes see Turn off the Chia farm, upload the downloaded file to the Chia working directory e.g. ~/.chia/mainnet/db and overwrite the original file. Switch on the Chia farm.
Copy Receive Address in the Wallets menu. At the URL enter the copied wallet address and click Submit. This will add 100 mojo i.e. 0.0000000001 XCH to your wallet, which is a necessary step to register for the pool (each pool change costs 1 mojo). Alternatively same here
now you must wait for the full synchronization of the blockchain and especially of all transactions in your wallets (it takes a while, unfortunately). Once the wallet is synced it is possible to proceed to the next step. The status can be monitored in the Full Node menu.
in the Pool menu, select JOIN A POOL and then Connect to pool. Type in the Pool URL and the GUI will show you the basic information about the pool. Don’t fill Fee field. Confirm with the CREATE button below and wait for the transaction to be confirmed. This step will fail if you don’t have wallet synced and at least 1 mojo on your wallet (all see previous steps).
generate portable plots that the disks can handle :-) In the Plots menu, select ADD A PLOT. Recommended parameters: size 101.4 GB (k=32), directory for TEMP we recommend to use RAMDISK (who has a lot of memory) or SSD NVMe and especially in point 5 click on Join a Pool and choose Czech Farm or generated name from previous steps. Click CREATE to confirm everything.
In the future we recommend (once portable plot generation is supported) to use the alternative plotter from madMAx see or direct link see
Pair the farm with the pool administration by using the link in the Pool menu and clicking on the context menu (3 dots) and clicking on View Pool Login Link. You will get a URL that you can just open in your web browser and the pairing will occur. In the administration see, farm pairing can be checked and edited in the Tokens menu.
farming is then simple. The status of the farm can be checked in the Farm menu and the status of the wallets in the Wallets menu. We also recommend checking the status of the pool, farm, rewards etc. in the administration, see
launch Chia - below is the procedure for terminal
create a new key see commands below, or alternatively use an existing one (generally recommended). If using existing keys, continue with the next point below sync.
chia init chia keys generate
start synchronization of the blockchain database or download the already created database blockchain_v1_mainnet.sqlite, which we updating and wait for the synchronization of the latest changes see Upload the downloaded file to the Chia working directory e.g. ~/.chia/mainnet/db and overwrite the original file (the farm must not be running).
chia start all chia wallet get_address
copy the wallet address from the previous step. At the URL, enter the copied wallet address and click Submit. This will add 100 mojo i.e. 0.0000000001 XCH to your wallet, which is a necessary step to register for the pool (each pool change costs 1 mojo).
now you must wait for the full synchronization of the blockchain and in particular all wallet transactions (it takes a while, unfortunately). Once the wallet is synced it is possible to proceed to the next step. The status can be monitored by entering the chia wallet show command and tracking the Sync status.
the *next step is to connect to the pool with the chia plotnft create -s pool -u command. This step will fail if you do not have wallet synced and at least 1 mojo on the wallet (see previous steps).
generate the so called portable plots that the disks can handle :-)
variant no.1 which we recommend i.e. use the alternative plotter from madMAx see or direct link see The current version from 8.7.2021 requires to use a different branch to support portable plots see git checkout pool-puzzles. You can find the Farmer Public Key by typing chia keys show, Pool contract address by typing chia plotnft show.
variant no.2 original Chia plotter. The Pool contract address is obtained by entering the chia plotnft show command.
chia plots add -d <DIRECTORY WITH PLOTS> chia plots create -k 32 -t <DIRECTORY FOR TEMP> -d <DIRECTORY WITH PLOTS> -b 3390 -u 128 -r 4 -c <POOL CONTRACT ADDRESS>
pair the farm with the administration pool by entering chia plotnft get_login_link -l . Get the Launcher ID by entering the chia plotnft show command. You will get the URL, which you just need to open in your web browser and the pairing will occur. In the administration see, farm pairing can be checked and edited in the Tokens menu.
farming is then simple. The chia farm summary command will show the current status of the farm, how many plots you have, how many XCHs, etc. Another useful command is chia wallet show, which shows the current or pooling wallets status. We also recommend checking the status of the pool, farm, rewards etc. in the administration, see
launch Chia with docker image
Czech Farm has published image on dockerhub see Image have a full node including wallets, harvester and farmer.
to use the image you need to have:
mnemonics, i.e. 24 words that are used to link your Chia account or wallet. If you don’t have a working wallet yet, follow point 3 or 4 above.
directory with plots in which you already have plots or generate new portable plots. Just be careful Chia does not automatically search in subdirectories. These need to be explicitly set.
copy docker-compose.yaml, modify the paths to suit your system and run
that’s it … docker image will do the rest