Chia Blockchain 1.2.11

Chia has released a new code version 1.2.11 see

Farmers rejoice: today’s release integrates two plotters in broad use in the Chia community: Bladebit, created by @harold-b, and Madmax, created by @madMAx43v3r. Both of these plotters bring significant improvements in plotting time. More plotting info here This release also includes several important performance improvements as a result of last weekends “Dust Storm”, with two goals in mind: make sure everyone can farm at all times, and improve how many transactions per second each node can accept, especially for low-end hardware. Please know that these optimizations are only the first wave in a series of many over the next few releases to help address this going forward. While the changes we have implemented in this update may not necessarily solve for every possible congestion scenario, they should go a long way towards helping low-end systems perform closer to expectations if this happens again.

Below are the main changes:


  • Performance improvements for nodes to support higher transaction volumes, especially for low powered devices like RaspBerry Pi. Full details at #9050.
  • Improved multi-core usage through process pools.
  • Prioritized block validation.
  • Added transaction queues for more efficient handling of incoming transactions.
  • Increased BLS pairing cache.
  • Integrated the Bladebit plotter to CLI and GUI. Thanks @harold-b for all your hard work on this, and welcome again to the Chia Network team!
  • Added the Madmax plotter to CLI and GUI. Thanks @madMAx43v3r for your support!
  • Added option to configure your node to testnet using to chia init –testnet.


  • Improved the wallet GUI’s startup loading time by loading the default private key’s fingerprint.
  • Upgraded from clvm_rs 0.1.14 to 0.1.15.


  • Minor verbiage and syntax changes in CLI and GUI.
  • Partial version to fix launcher name definition.
  • Fix harvester plot loading perfomance issues.
  • Fixed a packaging failure when passphrase is being used. Thanks @ForkFarmer for reporting this defect.
  • Fixed launcher name definition, which resolved an issue for some users in which wallet-node couldn’t sync.
  • Fixed a bug in the GUI that prevented some users from switching their plotNFT.

Known Issues

  • PlotNFT transactions via CLI (e.g. chia plotnft join) now accept a fee parameter, but it is not yet operable.

Czech Farm